Pick Me Up Service
(Not available in all areas)
Perfect if you are
Drinking | Stuck with your car at a bar | Tired | Impaired | Near or over legal alcohol limit
- Must call by 1:45 AM - 7 days a week!
- Must be a registered DD4HireTM customer
- Pick up in 15 - 45 minutes
- Ride in the comfort of your own vehicle
costs much less than limos
Gets you and your car home safely
Avoid DUI tickets/arrest/fines/injuries
How it works
- Call 1-844-DD4-HIRE (1-844-334-4473) from
any bar, event, restaurant or home
- Must have credit card for the booking fee
- Must have cash for the drivers
- One driver will take you and your vehicle home
- A second driver will go to your residence to return the first driver to their vehicle
Don't risk an accident or DUI arrest.
Also, call from home parties. You, your guests and car will be picked up
within 15-45 minutes and delivered home safely.